Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"I won't drown"

I got so wrapped up in baby news that I forgot to post the funny story about Will from last night. He decided that he wanted to take a bath in my jet tub.  This is not an unusual request but last night he decided that he wanted the water really deep.  I let it run until it was up to his chest.  He was playing with his boats so I told him "You better be careful".  He asked me why and I said, "so you don't drown".  He gave me the craziest look, like I was the most ignorant person on the planet and said, "mom, I have never drowned in my entire life".  LOL....he had a point so I just shrugged it off and kept doing my thing.  Its funny how he thinks about things but I guess to him I sound kinda dumb!

Summer fun in the sun!

Babies, babies, babies!!!

Gracious! Since I posted last we have two new additions to the family.  Mallory's baby (Isabella) is now 5 weeks old and Seth's baby (Owen) is a week old.  We are having tons of fun with these littles.  Mom recently got a pool so we have been swimming and Will has finally worked up some courage and is jumping off the steps...that is a MAJOR development.  Will is starting Kindergarten in a couple of weeks and I know that it will hit me like a ton of bricks when I leave him in that classroom for the first time.  He went to Pre-K but it is different in Kindergarten...its like he is really a big boy now!  I will upload some new pics of Will and load them later but for now....Here are some pics of the new babies!

Christopher Owen Hughes
Owen and Bella

Isabella Lynn Davis