Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's summertime!!!

Things have been really hopping around here.  Will graduated from Pre-K and is completely excited about going to Kindergarten. He has been doing tons of fun things while I slave away at work (wink, wink).  He is staying with his grandmother (Dwayne's mom) Monday-Thursday.  He called me from her cell phone yesterday to tell me that he was skinny-dippin in his pool at her house...he thought that was hilarious!!! Dwayne usually takes him fishing after work at least twice a week.  He is becoming quite the little pro! My sister Mallory had her baby girl, Isabella Lynn on 6/15.  She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and was 21 inches long....and she is PRECIOUS!!! She is almost too cute to be real.  We are just trying to stay busy and cool.  It doesn't seem like it should be the middle of June already! Another year almost gone.  Now we are on a countdown to see when my nephew Owen will be born.  He is due July 11th but according to my sister-in-law's doctor, Owen is measuring about 6.5-7 lbs already so I think he may come early.....anyway, I will update again soon!