Raising Will has been the most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever done. Every day is something new and we don't call him God's Will for nothing!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Be careful what you say around Will!!!
Will is currently the star of his 4 year old tee ball team...of course!! LOL. He is really enjoying it and wants to play all the time. After his practice last night we, along with my in-laws, went to eat at the local Longhorn. We love Longhorn and Will LOVES the bread. The first loaf of bread went pretty fast and Will said he wanted some more. Our waitress was TERRIBLE!!!! She brought us our drinks and then disappeared. So I told Will that I would ask for some more bread when I saw our waitress but that I thought she had disappeared. I didn't think anything else about it. Well, more than 5 minutes later, our waitress comes to check on us. I asked for more bread. Will, being Will, said "yeah, cause our waiter "distappeared"". (that is how he says disappear) I held it together until the waitress was gone and then I lost it! I laughed so hard. Will thought it was hysterical!
Friday, April 24, 2009
"I want to stink"

I have been pretty lazy lately and haven't posted anything so I thought I would take a few minutes this morning to write some things down before I forget them. Will's t-ball season starts this week. We thought he had practice on Wednesday (turns out my hubby got the days mixed up) and Will was very excited. He does have practice tonight. So I am sure I will have something funny to write about this weekend.
Wednesday was one of those days that is warm during the day and then really cool at night. Will and Dwayne both had on shorts and short sleeve shirts because we thought we were going to ball practice. Well, when we got home Dwayne decided he was going outside to work on something...Lord only knows what. Will, being the outdoorsman as he is, decided he would follow Dwayne outside. Take in mind it was about 45 degrees outside at the time...Dwayne told Will, "You aren't going outside without long pants and sleeves"...in the most stern voice possible. Will, using his most matter of fact voice said, "So then why are you going out with shorts and short sleeves?" I lost it!!!! Dwayne looked up at me and said..."God help me, he is just like you!" Such a smart baby, I mean big boy!!!
Last night Will and my nephew Jax had been playing the the bait tank...which was full of bait fish. So, when Will came in I told him he had to take a bath because he smelled bad. He said he didn't want to take a bath and that he liked to smell bad!! So this went on for about 5 minutes and then I got a bright idea that I knew would convince him to get in the tub. I said "If you can't listen to what I tell you, you can't listen to your coach and so you can't play ball". He spins around and looks at me like a freaking 13 year old (you know the look) and says, "mom, I want to play ball, and I want to stink, ok?" LOL...Dang! I finally convinced him that nobody wants to be around a stinky ballplayer and he got in the tub.
I have no idea what I am going to do when he gets to be a teenager. He kills me!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
My smarty pants kid

Well...last night we had a family night with just me, Dwayne, and Will. We did the call ahead seating at Longhorn and was told that it would be about an hour so we decided to go to Wal-mart to waste time. We saw that there were some people up front taking donations. Will gets the change out of his Easter eggs and takes up to the man who is taking donations. Will said he wants to give them his money so he starts handing the man his money....one coin at a time! The man (who was with the Special Olympics) was cracking up! Will was so proud of "dornating" his money!!!
After we ate at Longhorn I called mom to tell her about Will donationg his money. He said "momma, you are a genius"...I said "who's a genius"...he said"you, did you think I was talking to someone else's momma?"....little smarty pants!
Today, Dwayne and Will went fishing at the river. The owner of the place where they always go had to put a gate up because people were getting in his field and doing doughnuts...Will overheard us talking about it and filed it in his little head! So today, they go through the gate and Dwayne noticed that Will was looking around like he was trying to find something. Dwayne asked him what he was looking for...Will said, "Daddy, I can't find those doughnuts anywhere!" Dwayne, not having a clue what Will was talking about, said "what doughnuts?" Will, in his "I can't believe you don't understand voice" said...you said he had to put up a gate because boys and girls kept throwing doughnuts in his field. Dwayne called me laughing hysterically!! He said "I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!"
Needless to say we are having alot of fun this weekend...thanks to my smarty pants kid!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"I Don't Eat Beans"
Well, it has been a slow week for "Willisms" so I decided to write about an oldie but goody. When Will first started eating "real food" we started him on sweet potatoes...when he was 5 months old. Well, he LOVED them!!! I was told by the doctor to let him eat the same thing for at least 3 days and then try something new, to make sure he didn't have an allergic reaction. Well, my mom says to give him green beans because, "all babies love green beans"! Well, about 3-4 spoonfuls in....he starts gagging. He gagged until he made himself throw up!! Well, I tried to give him green beans a couple more times and he wasn't having any of it! So, fast forward a few years to about 6 months ago. I decided that it was time that Will started trying new foods...he won't even taste something if he doesn't like the way it looks!! I put some green beans on his plate thinking I could bribe him into taking a taste. I told him if he didn't taste a bean that he couldn't have a popsicle. He told me "fine, I don't want a popsicle", so I said "Good, I'll just eat yours!"...thinking that this would motivate him to taste a bean...nope, my smarty pants kid says "What color do you want?" I could not hide my face in time and I had to turn around to keep from laughing!!! He goes on to say (in his Opie Taylor voice) that "My name is Will Hunter and that means I Don't Eat Beans"!!! How do you argue with that??
To this day, you can ask him what his name means and he will say "I don't eat beans".
To this day, you can ask him what his name means and he will say "I don't eat beans".
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter 2009

We took a little hike to a pond near my aunt's house. We took my cousin's dogs and let them fetch sticks from the water. The kids thought that was the greatest thing ever. I had the chance to get several good shots of the boys..Emma wasn't there...I think my photography skills have improved! LOL...I took the picture above!!
Another quick story about just how "clever" my son is....he and Jax (my nephew) were playing with a Barbie steering wheel that made car noises...Will had it and Jax wanted it. Will tells him..."I will give you the toy if you give me a dollar"...Poor Jax went to try to find a dollar! I am raising an extortionist! I made him give it to Jax and told him that making people pay for things like that is not ok...Lord help me!!!!!
Hope everyone's Easter was as blessed as ours.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday
Today is Good Friday and I am currently sitting at home, listening to the storm going on outside, and watching an Easter themed episode of Dora the Explorer. Will loves Dora, but everytime she asked where something is....you know, to get the little kids watching to do whatever, Will says "you idiot!! it's right in front of you!" What 4 year old has this kind of attitude? He kills me. He can't just act like a normal 4 year old...he has to be so grown. LOL...what in the world am I going to do with him?
I was going to write some of Will's famous stories from the past but I just have no idea where to start. I guess I will just start from today and go forward. I can guarantee, there will always be something to write about!
Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Well, since everyone else in the free world is blogging, here I go! I am writing this blog about my journey to become a mommy and all of the wonderful and hilarious things my son is up to!
I always knew I wanted to have a family of my own. I wanted a family like the one I grew up in. Because I was in such a hurry to grow up, I made a very naive and stupid decision and got married at the age of 18. I was completely naive to the real world. My marriage was based on lies, deceit, and abuse and I was NOT going to bring a child into that. I also decided that I was NOT going to live that way. I was divorced in 1999...less than a year after I made that terrible mistake. I felt like a failure. But I picked myself and moved on. On February 12, 2000 I met my future husband, Dwayne. Our relationship was not perfect but he soon became a fixture in my life. Two years later....and after a lot of crap!...we were married on October 12, 2002. We built our house and started our life together.
After a while, I started thinking about having a baby. I never knew what a roller coaster ride trying to conceive a child would be. After many conversations with Dwayne, we started to "try"....months passed and NOTHING!!! I went to my doctor and we started infertility testing. I was not ovulating at all...so, we started some drug therapy thinking it would happen...nope! We tried for a year before we got our first positive pregnancy test. I had the most PERFECT pregnancy in the beginning. I wasn't sick, honestly, I felt like a million bucks! We found out at our 20 week ultrasound that we were having a boy. We were ecstatic! We decided to name him Will. I had heard a song called "God's Will" and it just stuck with me. It was God's will that I got pregnant. I stopped with all of the tests and stopped trying to be God and he rewarded me with a child. I have never been so happy in my entire life!!!
At 29 weeks I started to have complications. My co-workers were having a baby shower for me and my mom came. I told her that I just didn't feel right. It wasn't even something that I could put my finger on but something was wrong. I went to the Dr that afternoon. My blood pressure was through the roof! I was put on bed rest...well, after a week, I was admitted to Erlanger in TN and was placed on strict bed rest, steriod shots, blood pressure medications, etc. 2 weeks later, at 32 weeks, Will was born. He was not ready to come into this world and refused to come out for 20 HOURS!!! He finally graced us with his presence on February 14, 2005...Valentine's Day. I tell people it was the day my heart was born. He weighed in at a whopping 4 lbs 9 oz. He was so ugly! LOL...we laugh about it now because he is so cute but he was not born that way! HA...anyway, he was admitted to the NICU because of complications of his prematurity. I was placed in ICU and sedated because my blood pressure was still so high. I was released two days later and Will came home exactly 4 weeks after he was born.
Even though we got off to a rough start, we have had nothing but joy from Will...he can be stubborn (I'll write more about that later) but he is the sweetest child.
Life is always interesting while raising God's Will!
I always knew I wanted to have a family of my own. I wanted a family like the one I grew up in. Because I was in such a hurry to grow up, I made a very naive and stupid decision and got married at the age of 18. I was completely naive to the real world. My marriage was based on lies, deceit, and abuse and I was NOT going to bring a child into that. I also decided that I was NOT going to live that way. I was divorced in 1999...less than a year after I made that terrible mistake. I felt like a failure. But I picked myself and moved on. On February 12, 2000 I met my future husband, Dwayne. Our relationship was not perfect but he soon became a fixture in my life. Two years later....and after a lot of crap!...we were married on October 12, 2002. We built our house and started our life together.
After a while, I started thinking about having a baby. I never knew what a roller coaster ride trying to conceive a child would be. After many conversations with Dwayne, we started to "try"....months passed and NOTHING!!! I went to my doctor and we started infertility testing. I was not ovulating at all...so, we started some drug therapy thinking it would happen...nope! We tried for a year before we got our first positive pregnancy test. I had the most PERFECT pregnancy in the beginning. I wasn't sick, honestly, I felt like a million bucks! We found out at our 20 week ultrasound that we were having a boy. We were ecstatic! We decided to name him Will. I had heard a song called "God's Will" and it just stuck with me. It was God's will that I got pregnant. I stopped with all of the tests and stopped trying to be God and he rewarded me with a child. I have never been so happy in my entire life!!!
At 29 weeks I started to have complications. My co-workers were having a baby shower for me and my mom came. I told her that I just didn't feel right. It wasn't even something that I could put my finger on but something was wrong. I went to the Dr that afternoon. My blood pressure was through the roof! I was put on bed rest...well, after a week, I was admitted to Erlanger in TN and was placed on strict bed rest, steriod shots, blood pressure medications, etc. 2 weeks later, at 32 weeks, Will was born. He was not ready to come into this world and refused to come out for 20 HOURS!!! He finally graced us with his presence on February 14, 2005...Valentine's Day. I tell people it was the day my heart was born. He weighed in at a whopping 4 lbs 9 oz. He was so ugly! LOL...we laugh about it now because he is so cute but he was not born that way! HA...anyway, he was admitted to the NICU because of complications of his prematurity. I was placed in ICU and sedated because my blood pressure was still so high. I was released two days later and Will came home exactly 4 weeks after he was born.
Even though we got off to a rough start, we have had nothing but joy from Will...he can be stubborn (I'll write more about that later) but he is the sweetest child.
Life is always interesting while raising God's Will!
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