Well, we made it back from our yearly family vacation. We had a great time this year!! Will finally overcame is fear of the sand....and the ocean....and the water....and the pool...and well everything!!! He had a blast!!! He was non-stop the entire time we were there! He went from not wanting his feet to touch the sand a few years ago to being buried up to his neck in it this year!! Gina found a dead crab on the beach and Will was the only one who would hold it...he thought it was pretty cool. You can go to the link for my myspace page below and look at more pictures from our trip if you want.
One funny story....on the way down to Florida, Jax had to ride with us. So Will and Jax were fighting (of course) over a baby doll of all things....well, I decide to step in and I say, "well, guess what, it is a baby doll and dolls are for girls and do you know what that means?" Dwayne chimes in and says, "you are both little girls!!" Thinking this would outrage them into letting it go....Jax started laughing. My child, the smarty pants, never to let an argument go says...."I'm not a girl...I'm a woman!" LOL!!!