Raising Will has been the most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever done. Every day is something new and we don't call him God's Will for nothing!
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Robot......
Ok.....everyone who knows my son knows that he is not shy at all and says whatever he thinks! Well...we ran into a situation at the ball field last night that was......well, typical for Will. A coach on the other team had a prosthetic leg. It was a titanium type leg. Well, I was hoping that Will would not notice because I never know what he is going to say and I am always afraid that he is going to be rude. We almost made it through the entire game and then I hear my child's extremely southern accent...."Heeyyyy.....why you got a robot leg for?" I wanted to die!!!!! The coach was really nice about it. He laughed and explained it to Will but Will just kept on. The game is continuing around him and Will is BENDING OVER LOOKING UP THIS MAN'S SHORTS!!!! I heard him say..."how does that robot leg work?" I started screaming at him to play ball and finally got him turned around......I explained in the car how it was rude to just walk up to someone and ask them about something like that and he said...."well, he told me it was a robot leg". That made me feel a little better but this was just another prime example of how challenging and amusing it can be raising God's Will!!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Today's a Great Day for a Date!

Today I had the pleasure of spending some quality time with Will...just me and him. We ran our normal Saturday morning errands plus we had to get my tire fixed but we had some laughs. I bought him some new clothes and a new lunch box and then we went to sit down for lunch together. Will had been in rare form all morning and put on a show at the restaurant....no big surprise there! While we were eating our lunch Will looked across the table at me and said, "today is a great day for a date!" So we continued on our date. He decided that he needed to call my mom, aka Mimi and tell her about our date. She said that he had a pretty date and he said, "yeah, but I am the prettiest"!.....thanks a lot son!!! Then he told the waitress..."thanks for the date food." I never know what is going to come out of his mouth. It always scares me when someone asks him a question.
Dwayne (the hubby/daddy) is on a fishing trip until Wednesday so me and Will are going to have a lot of time together...I am sure there will be many more funny stories to post!
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